We first put out a call for help early morning on October 9th and were humbled by the sheer number and great enthusiasm of the individual volunteers who joined us to provide evacuation and shelter operations support over the course of the following weeks. We had on order of a thousand contacts from individuals and corporate teams who offered to help, not only from the Bay Area but from across the U.S. More than 300 people volunteered at our NVHA and VBEC sheltering sites alone and many others who contacted us were sent to help at the Vintage Farm and Solano Fairgrounds sheltering sites.
Special thanks to CaliforniaVolunteers of the Governor’s Office who helped get the word out that we needed volunteers, to Napa County Supervisor Brad Wageknecht and Congressman Mike Thompson for their concern and support, and to The Doctor’s Company, who provided paid time off to a number of the Napa CART and NVHA officers, allowing them to lead volunteer teams at our shelters.
Many volunteers arrived for their shifts with their cars and trucks laden with much needed supplies, that they donated. Others not only worked shifts but also cooked and served meals for the other volunteers. Families volunteered together. Bay Area government officials led by example, rolled up their sleeves and took shifts bucking hay and palletizing supplies. Friends came with friends and everyone came with a lot of energy and positive attitudes.
Our sincere thanks to the following individuals who helped the Napa CART and NVHA team at the NVHA and VBEC animal shelter locations. You made the scale and success of our evacuation and shelter operations possible.
Paul Anamosa | Catalina Arabia | |
Ashley Archer | Justin Archer | |
Mari Avedano | Aubrey Bailey | |
Kris Baitoo | Andee Baitoo | |
Goldway Baja | Sharon Baker | |
Elaine Baker | Alex Bakula-Davis | |
Andrea Balsaua | Jill Barham | |
Brittany Barloggi | Cody Barron | |
Marialaina Batoog | John Bauters | |
Aaron Bay | Logan Bearden | |
Chris Bearden | Jacob Bell | |
Tonya Bentulan | Rachel Bisaillon | |
Angela Blodgett | Stacey Boo Fang | |
Aubrey Bouley | Roxanne Bowers | |
Eric Bradford | Grayson Brayles | |
Joan Brennan | Katey Briggson | |
Ashley Broshious | Brent Brown | |
Gerri Brown | Grayson Broyles | |
Leif Bryant | Ariane Buser | |
Julia Byrd | Kris Carroll | |
Dave Carroll | Susan Chiampas | |
Autumn Child | Alexzia Clam | |
Melinda Clark | John Clark | |
Kate Clasby | Colette Cleaves | |
Sophia Cloud | Gina Clyde | |
Meryl Cohen | Ramah Commanday | |
Kate Comozzi | Vanessa Conlin | |
Ashley Cooper | Julie Cooper | |
Pat Countrywood | Sharon Covington | |
Brian Cox | Loren Crow | |
Rachelle Cunner | Kathleen Cutright | |
Giorgio Dal Pra | Mandy Debord | |
Mandy DeBuel | Mary Destri | |
Kris Deteroff | Audra Dewitt | |
Melanie Diamond | Amanda Diamond | |
Jessica Drew | Jonathan Driller | |
Steven Dunbarr | Andy Duncan | |
Alex Eastman, DVM | Heather Edgington | |
Shanna Eisenberg | Brooke Ensurmgre | |
Darlene Evans | Denis Evans | |
Doug Evans, DVM | Meghan Evans | |
Kari Farley | Lisa Feldman | |
Kelly Fields | Jennifer Finaldi | |
Sharon Finston | Joe Fisch | |
Richard Fisk | Colleen Fleming | |
Melissa Ford | Sharon Fornes | |
Amber Forney | Jeff “Krazy Kali” Forsman | |
Lexie Forster | Michelle Fox | |
Julia Fox | Sara Freeman | |
Matt Frederick | ||
Alana Fulvio | Claire Gabaldon | |
Peter Garaventa | Meghan Garcia | |
Rebecca Garden | Haley Gates | |
Peter Gerevink | Dustin Gianotti | |
Julie Golden | Sydney Goldwyn | |
Lyndsey Goldwyn | Bryan Goldwyn | |
Kelsie Gould | Kim Green | |
Bridget Greuel | Cindy Grupp | |
Jen Gurvey | Natalia Gutierrez | |
Sabina H | Kim Hall | |
Sarah Hambly | Debbi Hamilton | |
Jill Hamilton | Sherry Harker | |
Alex Harris | Cindy Hartlove | |
Jason Hartlove | Georgie Hartman | |
Jennie Hartman | Marie Hartman | |
Karen Hartwige | Isabella Hayden | |
Jacqueline Hedrick | Jessica Herrera | |
Rebecca Hersh-Boyle, DVM | Amanda Hill | |
Leyton Hilliard | Janelle Ho | |
Kim Holmes | Patty Hyatt | |
Erica Ivinski | Eva Jacobson | |
Tina Jacobson | Nicole Jemison | |
Jesica Jimenez | Mark Johnson | |
Cynthia Johnson | Marissa Johnstone | |
Matt Jones | Hope Janelle Jones | |
T.J. Kehoe | Cassandra Keith | |
Nelly Kennedy | Hannah Kent | |
Ailbhe King, MVB | Heidi Knipe | |
Jae Koenig | Tracy Krikorian | |
Sarah Kriletich | David Krkljus | |
Pat Kubicki | Emilee Kuyper | |
Nicole Laggner | Anne LaPan | |
Rachel Lathum | Heather Leake | |
Theresa Lee | Camille Lehmann | |
Frances Leon | Kathy Leonard | |
Denise Lincoln | Michelle Lipa | |
Lauren Lockliear | Nyah Lohr | |
Nancy Lohr | Kylee Long | |
Kristin Lownenthal | Angie Loyola | |
Jaird Loyola | Andrew Lujan | |
Emily Lyerla | Angie Machado | |
Heather Mackenzie | Gary Margadant | |
Lisa Martin | Alex Martin | |
Rachel McCready | Laura McEvoy | |
Kerry McGrate | Matt Mcgraw | |
Michael Mcgraw | Laurie McKinney, DVM | |
Joshua Mechan | Michelle Mendoza | |
Dara Miguel | Jennifer Mikkelson | |
Bob Minahen | Angie Mochado | |
Alycia Mondavi | Janice Mondavi | |
Angie Moreland | Linda Morris | |
Dennis Murphy | Coretta Murphy | |
Angela Musante | Alex Naeve | |
Drue Nagler | Lavi Nair | |
Ryan Neal | Binh Nguyen | |
Jennifer Nielsen | Charlene Noll, DVM | |
Mason Northrup | Frank O’Lear | |
Kay Olmsted | Lindsey Ono | |
Nicole Ovadia | Ava Ovadia | |
Freiden Pak | J. P. Panter | |
Heather Parker | Gaylene Patterson | |
Paley Patterson | Kyle Pelton | |
Kate Pence | Hannah Petrek | |
Rebecca Picard | Shilo Porter | |
Riana Porter | Tara Pynn | |
Stacey Pytlewski | Michelle Rasiw | |
Lauren Reichel | Cristin Reichmuth | |
Lexie Richardson | Brad Rigg | |
Michelle Ripple | Carolina Rojas | |
Jamie Ross | Rachel Royce | |
Hailey Russell | Leah Sache | |
Patricia Sanderson | Sydney Sanderson | |
Kelsey Santini | Anthony Saude | |
Chris Scarlett | Carla Schlemminger | |
Jessee Schlickell | Andi Schreibman | |
Brandyn Scott | Keira Scowcroft | |
Bill Shaffer | Janeen Sharma | |
Nicole Sharp | Tara Sheppard | |
Alexandra Sierra | Gina Sierra | |
Lisa Simonson | Patty Smith | |
Jessica Smith | Jessie Smith | |
Patty Smith | Diana Sokolove | |
Era Soo Hoo | Sara Lynn Specht | |
Maria Speyer | Varel Stephens | |
Stefanie Stevens | Claudia Steveo | |
Lisa Stewart | Donnie Stockton | |
Johannes Stoppler | Alex Strandbergy | |
Kristin Stuermer | Gwenn Swift | |
Tyler T | Sue Tallon | |
Shanna Tedla | Elaine Thomas | |
Mickey Thompson | Selina Thor | |
Jessica Tingey | Lisa Toso | |
Aidan Trimble | Michele Ulrech | |
Alec Vaille | Claudia Valentino | |
Rebecca Venegas | Benoit Vialle | |
Kristina Vorhees | Beth Weesner | |
Joyce Wells | Louise Whitny | |
Emma Williams | Dayna Willis | |
Jim Wilson | Nicole Witkaricki | |
Michelle Woolard | Kevin Yang | |
Tian Yin | Lauren Zaner | |
Connie Zweigle |
*Please note that we transcribed the names here from handwritten logs. Our apologies if we missed anyone or misspelled your name. If you notice an error or omission, please send note to [email protected] and we will get that corrected. Again, our sincere thanks to all!