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Volunteers: To sign up for trainings and other events, login to your Better Impact profile from the Current Volunteers page and click on the “Opportunities” menu to see a list or calendar view of available activities.



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Napa CART volunteers at July Fourth event

Companion Animal Shelter

Napa County Animal Shelter 942 Hartle Court, Napa, CA, United States

Companion Animal Shelter skills. Review of Intake, Biosecurity, and General Disaster Shelter Operations. There will be two shifts, roughly 12:30pm-2:00pm and 2:30pm to 4:00pm, with a limited amount of people per shift. RSVP through BetterImpact of by emailing

Equine Shelter Panel Set Up

Panel set up at the equine specific shelter. RSVP through BetterImpact or by emailing

Animal Search And Rescue (ASAR) – Level 2 (Experienced and Returning ASAR Volunteers)

Napa Valley Horsemen's Association 1200 Foster Rd, Napa, United States

This training will provide experienced and returning ASAR volunteers an advanced combined exercise with CERT, Hotline, Dispatch, and Communications. Prerequisite: Previous deployment with Napa CART ASAR since 2018. Napa CART Returning Volunteer Annual Training for 2023. This is an in-person training. Location information will be provided after you sign up. If you have any questions about... [Continue Reading]

Hotline, Dispatch and SARTopo (with CERT) Exercise with ASAR Level 2

Napa Valley Horsemen's Association 1200 Foster Rd, Napa, United States

This training will provide a combined practice deployment exercise with Hotline, Dispatch, Communications and SARTopo working together to utilize acquired skills in concert with advanced ASAR teams in the field. This sign up is for the administrative deployment staff (Hotline, Dispatch, Communications, SARTopo) only. Asar staff wishing to participate can sign up using the ASAR... [Continue Reading]

Animal Search & Rescue (ASAR) Skills – Level 1


Learn all about NapaCART Animal Search and Rescue, use of County radios, WhatsApp, social media protocol, ASAR roles and jobs, working in teams, animal care basics, staging/command center and field team roles, setting up and operating the staging center, check-in procedure, and much more. We will also practice our livestock (w/equine, goat, horse, pig volunteers)... [Continue Reading]

Animal First Aid & Companion Animal Handling


This course will cover animal evaluation, basic first aid and companion animal handling in field and shelter. The focus for companion animal handling will be dogs, cats and rabbits. Prerequisite: 2022 or 2023 Napa CART New Volunteer Orientation or Returning Volunteer Annual training This training will be in-person - location details will be provided after... [Continue Reading]

Walk for Animals

A benefit for Napa Humane, this short walk goes miles and miles for animals! The Walk will begin and end in Yountville Community Park, taking Walkers on a tour of the Town of Yountville. Registration and festivities begin at 8:00am Walk begins at 9:00am